Our new running companion app, RunDEX, is now live on the Playstore for Android mobile. RunDEX is a free app that allows you to calculate and save any number of common running calculations and charts.
Get the must-have running app for 2024 for free now!
During our own marathon training we tried and failed to find a running app that had all the tools we needed in one place. So we built our own!
Download the app and get all these essential running tools and calculators in your pocket, always accessible.
- Heart Rate Training Zones (calculate your heart rate zones using maximum heart rate)
- Max Heart Rate Calculator (uses your age)
- Pace Distance Time Conversion
- Distance Conversion (miles, KM, yards and meters)
- Pace Conversion (convert KM per minute to miles per minute and vice versa)
- Running Splits/ Lap Generator (create splits table for any distance and time)
- Age Grade Calculator (calculate your age grade from a recent race result)
- General Race Predictor (predict a race time from using a previous result)
- Slate/Vickers Marathon Predictor (predict your marathon time based on training mileage and a recent race result)
- Yasso 800s (calculator to work out Yasso workout session times)
- Time until your next race
- Percent Calculator
- Percent Calculator (time)
- Percentage of Calculator
- Percentage of Calculator (time)
- Percentage Improvement Calculator (time)
RunDEX is completely free to use. Its the tool we always wish we had, and couldn’t imagine training without it! Download it today on the Playstore.